Wednesday, July 9, 2008

My favorite things...

I love books. I not only love to read, but I like to own my favorite books. I love looking at them...I don't know why, but it is comforting or something. I love buying a new book and reading it over and over. I am probably the only person that has read all the books I own numerous times :)

I love coffee. Especially from Aut-to-mocha in Wenatchee. My favorite is coffee with white chocolate powder...way better than white chocolate syrup/sauce! I love coffee mugs. I love the smell of coffee, the friendships and relationships formed over coffee, the atmosphere of coffee shops.

I love pictures. I typically don't like pictures of myself, but I love pictures of me with people I love. I like taking pictures of everything, little details such as signs and landmarks, God's creation such as flowers and sunsets, people...especially candid pictures exposing their true expressions. I love looking at pictures. I love scrapbooking pictures. I love how you can look at a picture from years ago and remember what you felt for that person or place at one time, and wonder what changed? I love the memories that come from a photograph.

I love houses. I love to look at houses...I will almost always stop for an open house :) I love to close my eyes and imagine what a house could look like, or what the floor plan should be. I love to draw houses. I like to decorate houses or look at how others have done so. I like to look at furniture and such. I want to design floor plans and watch them come to life, to meet the needs of a family, to please the eye, to make someone happy.

I love cars. I love to drive. I like to watch the cars around me. I love car shows. I wish I was around in the 60' was a great car era :) I like my car clean. I love to listen to my Dad talk about new cars, or a gorgeous car he saw, his entire demeanor changes...he is so passionate about it, it makes me happy.

I love rain. I love the smell right before, during & after it rains. I love watching it fall. I love the sound it makes as it hits the ground. I love the way it cools everything. I love opening my windows when it rains, and listening to it and feeling the climate shift. I don't love what it does to my car...

I love strategy. I love sports and in games. I don't like to lose. I love football season, and bastketball season, and baseball season :) I like following a team, knowing what happens, what changes, talking about what they could do better next time. I love playing games. Any doesn't matter. I like focusing on a goal, figuring out the best way to get there and in the process how to beat everyone else there.

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