Monday, August 4, 2008

August already?!

I had a great weekend! Thursday night, we had the birthday party for Erika...which was tons of fun, but I realized just how many people at NNU get married! haha. I think there were only 4 of us there that aren't married...and they're all still students! Crazy...okay, anyway. Then after the party I had coffee with James at Flying M! That was was nice that he came to Nampa :) haha, yes I know that's selfish...but their apt is so far away! lol. Plus he rode his motorcycle so he loved it!

Friday was fun...let's see. I left my house at 6:15am went to work until 4...went straight to the Old State Penn to help Dean set up the photo booth and then spent the next 8 1/2 hours working at a wedding! Oh yes, 18 hour days are great fun!

Saturday I had wedding #2...Erika went with me and it was one of the biggest weddings I have all summer! It was the wedding of a former NNU student and his mom works in the Bus. Dept, so there were lots of Business professors there...interesting. haha. But it was a gorgeous wedding and definitely the best food I've had at a wedding this summer! :) Yes...the food matters, okay!? It was so hot though! We sat right in the sun from bright! Needless to say I've been lathering on the aloe the past two mornings :)

Sunday was even entire family that lives in Boise (other than Jamie & Ken, who were working and out of town) came over for spaghetti after church! It was so much fun...I've never had a place big enough to actually have my whole family over at once! It was great! Although finding enough dishes proved interesting...but none of them had come out to visit since I yes, once again they came to Nampa instead of me going to Boise! Must have been my lucky weekend :) Then after lunch the girls, well a few of us, hit up the Nampa mall...yes, I know. It doesn't really count as a mall...but hey they wanted to go! I could only take so much so my aunt and I went and got coffee after the 3rd round of SOMEONE trying on clothes :) It was good! lol. The coffee that is!

Now I'm here at the beginning of my last week of freedom...until December. Sad! Summer went by so fast! But I have 3 nights of dinner with friends, 1 lunch date, 1 game night, 1 coffee date and 2 it should be good and busy :)

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